Friday, December 8, 2006

Indian Women get the Short End

Welcome back friends of The View from the Front Seat; it's nice to have you along for the ride. Discussion during the commute to work today was dominated by a shockingly small issue .... the size of, um ... well .... appendages (thank God for my thesaurus) of Indian men. Indian men were dealt a hugely embarassing blow today with the release of findings of a study aimed at a very small problem (well, perhaps the problem isn't so small for everyone ... the problem is actually bigger than their ... oh, nevermind).

According to Reuters, the Indian Council of Medical Research conducted a two year study which found that condoms designed to international standards are too large for Indian men ... to the tune of one inch in length for approximately 60% of men and at least two inches in length for an additional 30% of men. A couple of things immediately come to mind:
  1. I'm very sorry ladies, but I guess small guys need love too. I sure hope India has some "novelty shops," if you know what I'm saying. Oh God, I hope so.
  2. Who the hell are the unfortunate folks who had to take the measurements for two years? You're scientists, couldn't you get a better gig than that? Good news though, I guess I don't actually have the worst job on earth.

So, bottom line here is that regular condoms aren't much good for our friends with the small predickament (sorry, I had to do that - I don't have much self control). They need our help and Robert, my business partner, and I believe we know the answer ... like we do for most things. I wrote a post on Monday, that you may recall, titled "Germans use their Heads," about a new spray-on condom being developed by a group in Germany aimed at providing men with a condom custom fitted to their individual size. The theme of my commentary on that was basically how I thought the group missed the boat, because most guys wouldn't be willing to stick their money maker in a can with movable parts to have a condom administered (along with some other reasons - scroll down and read the post people). I just thought it was a plain condumb idea. I, um, guess I might have been wrong. I guess there may be a small (hehe, sorry guys) market for this thing after all.

Here's our immediate solution to the problem. The German group is looking for people to help them out with trials with the prototype; it sounds like they may be having some difficulty finding willing participants (which should have told them something about their market size in the first place). The Indian men are looking for condoms that fit them .... sounds like a win-win to me ... so why don't you fly over there with a few boxes of prototypes and have some? AND maybe you can even test out the extra thick applications and make this a win for the ladies as well, who have been the real losers through all of this.

Aw, the folks here at The View from the Front Seat absolutely love bringing people together to solve the world's problems and this one seems like it's come together nicely. No need to thank us ... we gain our pleasure from you being pleasured ... or something like that.

That's all for this work-week; it's been a pleasure and we'll pick you up again Monday. In the meantime, keep your eyes on the road, there are some crazy drivers out there.

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