Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Britney Spears Wins Parenting Award

Hello again and welcome back to another exhilirating commute to work with us; I hope you enjoy your view today. Alright, we all know what a popular topic Britney Spears seems to be on the Internet. Regardless of what Britney does, it seems to be news; from partying to flashing to performing to parenting, if Britney does it ... we hear it. And it's almost always negative. However, we're hoping to turn things around a little bit here by announcing that Britney Spears is this year's winner of the Cross the Line Designs (yah that's my company) "I'm Not The Worst Parent In The World Award!"

We've heard some outrage over the past year with respect to some of the "horrible" things that Britney has done to little Sean, like: almost drop him while trying to avoid paparazzi, allow him to fall from a highchair, drive with him on her lap and generally act in a non-motherly way by partying, flashing the goods, etc .... Well from the perspective of a young, single guy with no children (so I obviously know what I'm talking about here) that's pretty freaking great, compared to some of the other things I hear about or have the pleasure of witnessing myself.

For instance, the Associated Press just reported on a couple of situations that people may consider to fall within the "not so great" category when it comes to parenting, but doesn't seem to be evoking the attention and outrage that Britney's actions did. The first incident involved parents "accidentally" leaving their 3 month old child abandoned in a shopping cart in Toys R Us for about an hour, each thinking the other parent had the child. Hmmm .... I haven't heard of a situation where Britney didn't at least know where her children were. Another recent event involved a grandmother mistakenly placing her 1 month old grandson through an x-ray machine at the Los Angeles International Airport. Luckily one of the workers noticed the baby's image on the monitor and removed the child from the machine as quickly as she could. The baby was then taken to the hospital, where x-rays obviously were no longer necessary, to be checked out; luckily the baby didn't receive a dangerous amount of radiation from the machine.

What about the stories we hear about of parents who willingly place their children in harm. Like the woman who was recently charged with allowing a man to molest her daughter (while she held her down) over 200 times for $20 each time??? Too extreme to compare? Well think back to the last time you visited the grocery store or the mall. I bet you saw some parent screaming at their child, or roughly grabbing their child or, even in some cases, striking their child ... right in the public eye ... just imagine what goes on at home.

Well what about the "lewd" activities that Britney has been involving herself in? What a bunch of two-faced people out there. I surely can't be the only person around who's in the unique position of seeing parents doing waaaaaay worse than Britney has reportedly done. Britney may have forgotten her underwear, but at least she kept her dress on ... I've seen all kinds of mommies who seemingly have forgotten more than that when they're out on the town. And if you all think she's such a bad parent, why are you complaining about Britney leaving her kids home with someone who's surely better able to take care of them than she is?

We should not be casting stones. On the contrary, we should be applauding Britney for only being in the positions we've found her in, despite the fact that her every move in life is captured on film. If those are all the bad things that have happened, I'd bet she's in the better half of parents. Now give yourself an honest reflection of what's happened on your own watch before you freak out at me for saying that. I bet your child has been in harms way before (intentionally or not) or has actually hurt themselves before from falling, dropping, etc .... I was a kid before, I know the stuff that's happened to me. Just think about what people may see happen on your watch if someone with a camera followed you everywhere you go.

Oh yah, and there's the other little issue of the .... um .... benefits of being Britney's kid. I bet they're not playing with empty milk cartons and thinking it's lego. Anyway Britney, if you're listening, I'd let you babysit anytime, if I had kids and congratulations on the award! By the way, if you're looking for another child and don't mind them being around 6 feet tall, I'm available. You can drop me, drive with me on your lap or pretty much do whatever you like ... I'll understand.

That's it for today, so until next time, keep your eyes on the road ... your kid will be fine in the backseat alone.

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