More evidence arose yesterday that Nicole Richie's life is actually far from simple ... she had to be taken to the hospital yesterday from the set of her show "The Simple Life" (how ironic is that?) due to "dehydration." According to E! Online, she had a 15 minute intravenous fluid infusion and was released.
She previously announced, back in October, that she is being treated for an "inability to put on weight." She's obviously still having some problems with that, but her representatives claim that they're happy with the progress she's been making. If you check out her picture below, which is certainly not the worst I've seen, you'll probably agree with me that they should be pumping more than just fluids into her body. Is there such a thing as a Big Mac intravenous pack? In any event, I hope she gets through it. In the interim, somebody should be doing a study on what the hell is wrong with all of these young celebrities.

Credit: Donato Sardella / WireImage
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