Friday, March 2, 2007

Jennifer Mee Hiccup Free

Hey hey everyone ... good news today for Jennifer Mee, the Florida teen who has had the hiccups (about 50 per minute) for 5 weeks straight ... since January 23. The hiccups have finally stopped and she is breathing uninterrupted.

None of the speicialists she's seen know why she had the hiccups for that long and none of them seem to know what made them stop. Jennifer later won the "No Shit Batman" Award after her hiccups stopped, when she proclaimed "my nose is burning and my throat hurts."


Anonymous said...

I was there when Jennifer stopped. I am the hypnotist that worked with her. It was amazing! If you go to and click on the hiccup cures video link you can view the whole story!

Anonymous said...

she got it back a few weeks later, so yeah nice hypnosis, lol

Anonymous said...

This is one of Jennifers old friends from elementary school
she moved to Flordia when we were in 6th grade an this has been the first time i have heard anything about it...If you read this an you are able to contact her tell her to call Emily or Sabrina im sure she knows who you would be talkin about..

Thank you
