Thursday, January 11, 2007

There's Something Fishy about this Toilet

Hello again everyone and welcome back to another exciting commute to work with the boys from Cross the Line Designs. The view we had from the front seat today was ... interesting, if nothing else. Today we talked about places where we like to have fun; I certainly have a few on my list. Walt Disney World, of course, is and likely always will be at the top of my list; it is, afterall, the most magical place on earth ... but that's an obvious one. There are others.

One of my favorite places to have fun though that would likely surprise most of you is .... the restroom (and it's also where I do some of my best thinking for some reason). AND it even just became a whole lot more exciting!!! According to Reuters, AquaOne Technologies Inc., out of California, has started selling the Fish 'n Flush, a two piece toilet tank containing a see through aquarium that wraps around a traditonal toilet tank. For those of us who don't mind being watched when when go, we can now pee with the fishes or talk about another big one that got away from us, so to speak. I'm not exactly sure what kind of fish would be best for the tank, but I'm thinking anything from the smelt (I'm really sorry for that) species would probably be appropriate. Now when someone says "Ewwww ... it smells like someone died in there ..." it may actually be true. Folks are also marketing this as a great way to assist their children with potty training, so i guess the new toilet makes the restroom both fun and educational.

News of this certainly made me reflect upon what made restrooms a fun place prior to the advent of the new Fish 'n Flush. As a result, I've compiled a list of my former favorite things to do in a restroom, which will be especially beneficial to those of you who can't afford the Fish 'n Flush or just think it's plain weird to go fishing in there. Ok, so here's the fun list ... I will not be held responsible for the consequences:
  1. Cheer and clap loudly each time someone breaks the silence with a bodily function noise;
  2. Squirt a bottle of Mountain Dew erratically under the stall walls of your neighbours while yelling "Whoa! Easy boy!"
  3. Say "Hmmm ... I've never seen that color before;"
  4. Grunt and strain real loud for 30 seconds and then drop a cantaloupe into the toilet bowl from about 6 to 8 feet above;
  5. Say "Now how did that get there?";
  6. Squish a snickers candy bar in your hand, reach under the stall and say "You got anymore toilet paper over there? This side's completely out;"
  7. Say "C'mon Mr. Happy! Don't fall asleep on me;"
  8. Play a well known drum cadence over and over again on your butt cheeks;
  9. Say "Interesting ... more sinkers than floaters;" and
  10. Spread peanut butteron a wad of toilet paper and drop it under the stall wall of your neighbour. then say, "Whoops, could you kick that ack over here please?"

I certainly can't take credit for coming up with all of the fun restroom games, but I can vouch for their effectiveness and guarantee you hours and hours of slap your ass excitement. By the way, I prefer chunky peanut butter for #10.

Ok, that's all the farting around I can manage for today; I'll be back to dump more on you again tomorrow. In the meantime, keep your eyes on the road ... shit happens.

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