Thursday, January 4, 2007

Boy Wonder or Wonder Boy?

Hey hey folks; welcome back. I'm still in Tempe for another few days so the commute to work was an elevator ride this morning, rather than a dangerous drive with my business partner; I guess being away isn't so bad afterall. This blog usually attempts to bring you answers to some of the world's largest issues, but not today. I did spend some time today thinking about what I could solve for you, but I guess I was just a little too inquisitive today. I found myself wondering about alot today, perhaps because I'm away and a little out of my element (or it could also be the Hooters next to my Hotel). By the way, if there are any Arizona State University students, alumni or officials reading, your campus is very impressive.

Anyway, so you'll know where my head was today, I've assembled a list of things that I wondered about, in no particular order:

  1. How did we figure out how to build a space station before we made a can with a pull-top?
  2. Why does a dog get mad at you when you blow in its face, but then stick its whole head out of the window when you take it for a drive?
  3. Why is it you can stand 2 feet from the next customer at the counter inside a bank when they're discussing their account, but you can't be within 15 feet of a person at an ATM?
  4. Why do I have to keep ironing my clothes if I do it on permanent press?
  5. Why are there instructions in some restrooms for washing your hands? If you don't already know how to do that, should you really be in there alone?
  6. If 3 out of 5 men "suffer" from erectile dysfunction, does that mean the other 2 enjoy it?
  7. Why do people say they bought a "pair" of pants when they only got one?
  8. If the going rate is only a penny for your thoughts, why do people always put in their two cents worth?
  9. Who's the cruel person who decided to put an "s" in the word "lisp?"
  10. After student doctors graduate, why do they continue to "practice?" Are there any doctors who no longer need to "practice?" That scares me.

Ok, so that's it. Perhaps I'll have answers for some of those questions for you in coming posts, but in the meantime, keep your eyes on the road .... those people who don't know how to wash their hands might be on the road.

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