Friday, February 23, 2007

One Month and the Hiccups Continue

Welcome back folks; thanks for joining me. Back on February 16th, in a post titled "Girl Presents Hiccup to Doctors' Plans," I reported on a poor girl from Florida who'd been hiccuping at a rate of 50 hiccups per minute for 3 straight weeks (except for when she slept). Well, it seems the hiccups continue .... neither the doctors nor the multitude of home remedies have cured poor Jennifer Mee. It's now been as month ... and she's featured in a video on CNN ... click here to view it.

The hiccups also don't seem to interrupt her (from the video footage) while she's talking either; only when she ends her sentence. So, for some annoying people I know ... who seem to be talking every moment they're awake, this would likely not be a problem for them.

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