Friday, February 16, 2007

Girl Presents Hiccup to Doctors' Plans

Well here's something I've never heard of before and it must be a real pain in the ... well ... chest. According to the Associated Press, there is a 15 year old girl in Florida, named Jennifer Mee, who can't stop hiccuping, except when she's asleep. The report claims she is hiccuping around 50 times per minute ... for all of you who aren't math magicians (like me), that's nearly once every second ... AND ... it's been happening for more than 3 weeks. That's freaking amazing! The doctors have tried everything from holding her breath, scaring her, sugar under her tongue, drugs, pickle juice, breathing into a paper bag, etc ....

It is unknown what triggered her hiccups, but they do know they started in school. Why couldn't I think of things like that when I was in school? Hey, I wonder if I could get me out of work?


Anonymous said...

I Know there must be a thousand people saying they have a cure, but I really do. How do I get in touch with this girl or her doctors?

gmjensen said...

I am 76 years of age, and have cured hiccups since I was 18. The person who taught me in 1949 is no longer living, so cannot attest to it.

There is a round bone behind the ear, about the middle of the ear and about an inch behind it. You can feel it with your finger as a rounded boney part of the skull.

The method goes like this; You get a small glass of water for the patient to use as instructed by you. You use both of your hands, using only the stronger index finger of each hand. Stand behind the patient, and locate the center of the bone, as closely as possible. Don't use the tips of the fingers, instead use the flatter rounded ends of the fingers, pressly strongly on the bones. (It should not be painful. )
Do this while instructing the patient to slowly take five (5) small swallows of water. When the patient it done drinking, release your fingers, and the hiccups should be gone.

As I said I have done this many, many times over 58 years, and without exception, it has worked for me.

God bless you Jennifer. I hope it works for you!