Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Grinch who stole Christmas ... from North Korea

Today started much more comfortably than yesterday, as it was my turn to drive to work. Instead of worrying about who I wanted to say "I love you" to before I die (as a result of Robert's, my business partner's, driving), I was able to think about things more relevant to the purpose of this blog, like providing a look inside the minds of the clowns, I mean creators, of Cross the Line Designs. So one of the things that came into view from the front seat today on the commute to work was how Bush (and his gang of merry grinches - is that an oxy-moron? Emphasis certainly on the "moron" part) is trying to steal Christmas from the cute little character leading North Korea (Kim Jong Elf, I think).

I believe the hope here is that Mr. Elf will decide to drop his nuclear program in exchange for a reinstatement of his abilities to acquire "luxury" items like ipods, TVs, watches and liquor. Don't I feel stupid for thinking that almost all of those items were already made in Korea (well at least the ones I have in my house) ... but I guess I can actually learn some things from George W... Nonetheless, what a bold (I couldn't resist the emphasis, sorry) move! Now, I admit that I'm not the quickest person in the world, so please bear with me as I ask a few questions that I think may help me understand this move because, I have to admit, I'm having a little trouble at this point comprehending the move:

  1. If a nation has the technology to manufacture a nuclear weapon, why can't they make their own ipods and TVs? And are there no bootleggers in North Korea?
  2. If a nation really couldn't figure out a way to manufacture or acquire those items, why would they choose continued access to those items over the power they may gain from having a nuclear weapon? Have they not seen Pirates of the Carribbean? If you're guns are bigger can't you just take what you want?
  3. Isn't Samsung both a huge manufacturer of "luxury" electronics items AND a Korean company?
  4. If Kim (if I can call him that) is really using most of these items to give as gifts to people (as the reports suggest) why wouldn't he just start replacing them with gifts that he's already received as gifts (that he hates) from other people, like the rest of the planet does?
  5. If Kim is actually giving away these luxury items to people, how bad can the guy be? It seems he may have a better understanding of the spirit of Christmas than Mr. Bush does. Remember George ... it's better to give than to receive ...

Anyway, I hope someone can help me out here because I'm sure there's a funny t-shirt idea in there somewhere that Cross the Line Designs could use ... if I only understood it better.

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